GAME DESIGN by students of Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay

Name of the Game: ARCquad

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240517


Name of the Game: Chakva

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240518


Name of the Game: Double Block

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240519


Name of the Game: Flip-Flap(1)

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240520


Name of the Game: Flip-Flap(2)

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240521


Name of the Game: Kaipo6

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240522


Name of the Game: Magical Pyramid

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240523


Name of the Game: SURViWAR

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240524


Name of the Game:World Fun

Status: Design Registration Application No. 240653