and development activities from the lifeline of
a vibrant academic institution.
Dean R&D and IRCC play a vital role in IITB’s intellectual output
by providing end-to-end support, from conceptualization to commercialization,
research ideas, specifically by
- Ensuring that environment is created / nurtured
/ maintained so that faculty and scientists at IITB are able to conduct research
of the highest caliber.
The research environment includes laboratories’ civil infrastructure,
equipment, support staff -- both technical and administrative -- and
research staff .
- Providing support for researchers to liaise
with (potential) funding sources so as to be
able to finance their research and development
- Spotting and nurturing opportunities for collaboration
between researchers (within IITB) and their
counterparts in other institutions.
- Ensuring
that IITB researchers are positioned to contribute
to the state of the art in cutting
edge and emerging areas of research in
Science and
- Identifying and putting in place ways and means
by which work done by researchers at IITB can
exploited whenever appropriate
possible – to
address problems faced by society and industry. Towards this,
licensing, commercialization
and agile processes for industry-academia partnerships are a
- Providing admin support for conducting research – management
of human resources, financial management, procurement.
- Report of the Professor R.P.Singh Committee, 1974
- Past and Present Deans |