Sr. No.
Nature of the leaves

89 Days Appointments

One Year Appointments

Casual Leaves (CL) 2 Days on Pro-rata Basis 8 Days on Pro-rata Basis
This leave is monitored at the Department by the PI.

Sr. No.
Nature of the leaves

89 Days Appointments

One Year Appointments

Earned Leaves (EL) *5 Days on Pro-rata Basis 30 Days on Pro-rata Basis
Carry over of unused EL: If the tenure is extended further, without a break, any unused EL in project staff's account will be carried over and accumulated in the next tenure subject to a maximum of 90 days
Encashment of unused EL: Up to 50% of the unused EL may be encashed as per prevailing norms of the institute provided the staff has continued in the same project for at least 1 year without break.

Sr. No.
Nature of the leaves

89 Days Appointments

One Year Appointments

Maternity Leave No Maternity leave 180 Days.
For One Year appointment, 180 days maternity leave may be granted which should include delivery. This leave has to be taken at a stretch. The leave will be granted only up to the tenure of appointment

Sr. No.
Nature of the leaves

89 Days Appointments

One Year Appointments

Paternity Leave No Paternity Leave No Paternity Leave

Sr. No.
Nature of the leaves

89 Days Appointments

One Year Appointments

Medical Leave No Medical Leave No Medical Leave

* If several 89 days appointment is made, without a break, then the eligible E.L. will be calculated on pro-rata basis as above.
**Pro-rata means 2.5 days leave for one completed month.